The NEXT section of Pinta PArC 2024 is set as a window to the Latin American emerging art scene, tracing a profound dialogue between diverse artistic systems and a dynamic collaboration with six galleries: Vigil Gonzales (Cusco and Buenos Aires), Salón Comunal (Bogotá), Enhorabuena Espacio (Madrid), Remota (Salta), Constitución (Buenos Aires) and Paseolab / Galería del Paseo (Lima and Punta del Este).

In a regional context marked by the scarcity of institutional support, NEXT is a vital space that amplifies the voices of up-and-coming artists, highlighting their creative drive and adaptability in the face of the environment’s complexities.
The selection of galleries, mostly run by artists who opted for self-management, reflects a drive to renew contemporary gallery practices in Latin America and Spain. "The invitation to participate in NEXT is based on the recognition of the unique potential that each space brings: their networks, experiences and knowledge" shares Florencia Portocarrero, curator of NEXT. The presence of galleries from multiple cities weaves connections between different artistic ecosystems, evidencing a network of support and collaboration.
With more than ten artists on display, NEXT challenges the boundaries of the "emerging" category, posing a necessary problematization on the axis of the situated and the international. This sensibility is reflected in paintings, textiles and sculptures that delve into the crisis of identity: being on earth and with otherness.
Familia, 2022. Gonzalo Hernández, 2022, Tejido de algodón jacquard. 152.4 x 127 cm. Galerīa Vigil Gonzales
Sin título, 2023, Mateo Cohen. Óleo sobre algodón parcialmente destejido, 158,5 x 200 cm. Galería Salón Comunal
Sin título, 2024. Benjamín Cieza Hurtado, óleo sobre lino, 100 x 80 cm. Galería Enhorabuena.
The sixth issue of NEXT crystallizes its significance as a place of exchange between art scenes, highlighting the importance of the galleries and the city of Lima in the Latin American contemporary art scene. By fostering dialogue between artists, gallerists and the audience, NEXT enriches the cultural fabric of the region, nurturing a more vibrant artistic ecosystem.
Pinta PArC.
April 24 to 28, 2024.
Casa Prado, Av. 28 de Julio 878, Miraflores. Lima, Peru.
Tickets here.