In the interest of paying tribute to one of the photographers who contributed in building Argentina's visual identity, Francisco Medail dedicated the Artista Homenaje section in BAphoto to Lucrecia Plat. Working with an extensive archive of portraits, conceptual photographs and the collaboration of Clara Nerone, Medail highlights the important role of archives in the conception and appreciation of contemporary art.

Lucrecia Plat, born in Buenos Aires, dedicated decades of work to photography, with a special emphasis in portraits. Having photographed for the magazine Cuadernos de Mr. Robinson, the Latin America Publishing Center, and collaborated with media such as Clarín, El País de España, La Gaceta Ilustrada and La Nación, among others, Plat highlights, to this day, a pragmatic and unveiled concept of photography: “I amuse myself with the spontaneous, with the enigma that it awakens”.
On the other hand, and with an awareness of the patrimonial value that her photographs would have, Lucrecia kept, to the best extent possible, her work, her photos, her visual records. This realized idea, this consciousness of transcendence, is what allows today the luxurious indulgence in anachronism. Not only through portraits, but also by tracing clues on a map configured behind the lens, prior to the lens, prior to what is portrayed itself; conceptual and material.
"I had to do my best and nothing else," Lucrecia articulates with a lightness as fresh as it is efficient, blurring the boundaries between art and craft. The differences between work, commission, inspiration and delivery are one and the same.
With that own naturalness and creativity of spirit, Lucrecia announced, on the occasion of her tribute at BAphoto, her desire to publish a book entirely dedicated to portraits: “I feel that I have them captive and I don't like that”, she expresses with reference to the extensive pool of artists, writers and musicians that populate her cache of files.
It’s worth highlighting that the tribute to Lucrecia in BAphoto is one of the few payed to a live artist, which made possible an appreciation as retrospective as it is contemporary, bridging both worlds in a single conversation. From a synchronic perspective and with regard to the historical character of the exhibition and its program, the archive is gathered and displayed by Nerone and Medail "bearing in mind the value that it has in itself"