Until September 15, the call is open to Colombian or foreign artists with more than 15 years of experience to present an artistic intervention in the Fragmentos space, created by Doris Salcedo. The award consists of one hundred and sixty million Colombian pesos ($160,000,000 m/cte).

Fragmentos, through the Ministry of Culture and the National Museum of Colombia calls for Colombian and foreign visual artists, as well as those with transdisciplinary vocations, to carry out an artistic intervention in the space. Exhibition rooms 1 and 3, and the main corridor of the space will be available for such purpose. The artwork must deal with the Colombian conflict, international armed conflicts, victims' memories and the construction of peace; it may include as well experiences of peace agreements and reconciliation processes of Colombia and other countries.
Artist Doris Salcedo created Fragmentos, Espacio de Arte y Memoria (space for art and memory) in the city of Bogotá D.C. in 2017. Fragmentos is a counter-monument and a space for reflection on the Colombian conflict. Having inverted the usual meaning of the monument, the artist conceived a space which seeks to create dialogues based on the ruptures that the conflict has created, recognizing the extreme experiences suffered by millions of Colombians instead of exposing an epic version of history as traditional monuments tend to do.
Fragmentos presents itself simultaneously as a living artwork, a place of memory and a space for artistic creation. The artwork consists in a construction whose floor, made out of melted weapons belonging to the FARC-EP guerrilla, has been elaborated with the participation of women victims of sexual violence during the armed conflict.
Imágenes cortesía del Museo Nacional de Colombia. Fotos por Juan Fernando Castro
Imágenes cortesía del Museo Nacional de Colombia. Fotos por Juan Fernando Castro
Imágenes cortesía del Museo Nacional de Colombia. Fotos por Juan Fernando Castro
Imágenes cortesía del Museo Nacional de Colombia. Fotos por Juan Fernando Castro
The space weaves together the concepts of surface, silence, emptiness and ruin, going beyond the traditional idea of monument. Salcedo claims that this place has a human scale which, thanks to peace, allows Colombians to stand on a new reality. Fragmentos presents emptiness and absence as inherent elements of the artwork, evidencing and remembering the unavoidable void left by the war.
This place for commemoration has been disposed of as physical, free, and open to the general public with the intention to reflect on multiple memories of the conflict through artistic processes. Its objective is to encourage a diversity of interpretations fostering difficult, provocative, and consequently, reflexive dialogues, rather than generating a unique perspective of history.