The Museum of Modern Art Bogota presents I dreamt the landscape was looking at me, by Jessica Mitrani in in collaboration with Alex Czetwertynski. It is optical device that invites the viewer on a hypnotic journey suspended between reality and fiction, personal and public, resulting in a spontaneous and non-linear narrative.

This exhibition is one of the two winning proposals of Side Effects- a call launched in 2020- that invited artists or audiovisual producers of mid-long artistic trajectory to inquire about the environmental and sustainability effects of our present connected to the uncertain scenario in which we are living. This through an inedit art project that addresses the relationship between nature, landscape, and territory.
Three videos are projected on a triangular structure resting on soil, which partially covers the screens. The earth comes from Mitrani’s parents’ house in Chia, where she spent most of her quarantine last year. It also serves as a projection surface of a continuous formation, deformation and reformation of fungus.
Imágenes cortesía del MAMBO. Fotos por Óscar Monsalve
Imágenes cortesía del MAMBO. Fotos por Óscar Monsalve
Imágenes cortesía del MAMBO. Fotos por Óscar Monsalve
Imágenes cortesía del MAMBO. Fotos por Óscar Monsalve
Imágenes cortesía del MAMBO. Fotos por Óscar Monsalve
Imágenes cortesía del MAMBO. Fotos por Óscar Monsalve
Over the years, Mitrani has developed a unique video-graphic approach that employs narrative, humour, and psychoanalytic tropes expressed in a range of emotions. Her work recontextualizes quotidian gestures, scenes, and objects in an oneiric realm from the excessive to the absurd or melodramatic.
I dreamt the landscape was looking at me is a new work that intertwines film clips with videos that have graphics, music and text, transporting the spectator through a hypnotic journey between personal and transversal stories. The premise is based on the following principal idea: the thought is not an attribute or faculty exclusive to humans, but, on the other hand, inhabits all the living.
Fotografía: escena de obra de video presentado en la muestra. Cortesía de la artista. Exposición Soñé que el paisaje me miraba. Museo de Arte Moderno de Bogotá-MAMBO (2021).
Fotografía: escena de obra de video presentado en la muestra. Cortesía de la artista. Exposición Soñé que el paisaje me miraba. Museo de Arte Moderno de Bogotá-MAMBO (2021).
Fotografía: escena de obra de video presentado en la muestra. Cortesía de la artista. Exposición Soñé que el paisaje me miraba. Museo de Arte Moderno de Bogotá-MAMBO (2021).
Fotografía: escena de obra de video presentado en la muestra. Cortesía de la artista. Exposición Soñé que el paisaje me miraba. Museo de Arte Moderno de Bogotá-MAMBO (2021).
Fotografía: escena de obra de video presentado en la muestra. Cortesía de la artista. Exposición Soñé que el paisaje me miraba. Museo de Arte Moderno de Bogotá-MAMBO (2021).
Jessica Mitrani is a Colombian artist and audiovisual producer based in New York whose work has been exhibited, screened and broadcast internationally. She has a unique audiovisual style in which she uses a figurative, humorous and psychoanalytic narrative with which she communicates a variety of emotions, ranging from the excessive to the absurd and the melodramatic, recontextualizing gestures, scenes and everyday objects within a dreamlike environment. . She has an MFA in Theater Directing in New York, NY.