The Museo de Arte Moderno de Buenos Aires invites artists and art professionals from Argentina and abroad who have been living in the country for 3 years or more to apply to the Casa Alberto Heredia Residency Program. Applications will be accepted until June 30, 2024 for the periods August-December 2024 and March-June 2025.
![OPEN CALL FOR ARTIST RESIDENCY PROGRAM AT CASA ALBERTO HEREDIA OPEN CALL FOR ARTIST RESIDENCY PROGRAM AT CASA ALBERTO HEREDIA](/var/artealdia_com/storage/images/convocatorias/convocatoria-para-residencia-de-artistas-en-casa-alberto-heredia/807842-1-esl-AR/CONVOCATORIA-PARA-RESIDENCIA-DE-ARTISTAS-EN-CASA-ALBERTO-HEREDIA_full.jpg)
The Residency Program offers artists and art, culture and education professionals time and space for research, production and exchange with the art scene in Buenos Aires and, in particular, with the work processes and content programming of the Museo Moderno and its team of professionals specialized in areas such as curatorship, heritage management, museography and exhibition production, conservation, education, publications, among others.
On this occasion, the national call for production, training and research residencies for artists and professionals in the arts, culture and education is open. Residencies will be granted for the periods August-December 2024 and March-June 2025. The duration of the residency may be a minimum of 14 days and a maximum of 29 days, depending on the needs of the project presented. This program offers a unique opportunity to its residents: they will be able to explore their ideas, develop projects or artistic productions, research or training and experimentation experiences.
During this process, residents will be encouraged to interact through meetings, observation and dialogue with members of the different departments of the Museo Moderno. In addition, contacts with other curators, professionals and artists active in the City of Buenos Aires will be generated.
The call is open to Argentine artists and art, culture and education professionals, and foreigners who have been living in the country for three years or more. Those residing in the City of Buenos Aires and its metropolitan area are not eligible to apply. Those selected must be able to participate and be involved in the artistic and cultural context of the Museo Moderno and the City of Buenos Aires. With this in mind, each applicant must submit a proposal describing their interests in the Casa Alberto Heredia Residency, and their preliminary proposal or project to be developed during their stay.
The decision will be made by a selection jury composed of Francisco Lemus (head of the curatorial department of the Museo Moderno), Jimena Ferreiro (curator, Museo Moderno), Raúl Flores (curator, Museo Moderno), Cintia Mezza (specialist in Collections Management and Art Archives, Klemm Foundation) and Mónica Giron (artist). The jury will act in dialogue with Victoria Noorthoorn (director of the Museo Moderno) and Belén Arroyo (coordinator of the Casa Alberto Heredia Residency Program).
The application form must be completed with the following specifications:
1- Full name and photo of the applicant.
2- Personal data: date of birth, ID number, address where he/she usually resides, telephone, email, website (if any).
3- An updated CV (maximum 5 pages in Arial, 11 font, 1.5 spacing).
4- Two reference contacts with full name, email and telephone number.
5- A proposal of work during the residency at Casa Heredia (maximum of 4 pages in Arial, 11 font, 1.5 spacing).
6- A letter of application about the applicant's interests in this opportunity, of a maximum of 2 pages (Arial, 11 font, 1.5 line spacing).
7- A selection of a maximum of 15 images of works, projects and/or exhibitions (with their respective captions), documentation and/or visual material produced in the last 10 years, which will provide the jury with a frame of reference on the applicant's current interests and the background of the project presented.