LA ESCUELA__ invites artists, architects, scholars, educators, collectives, and community organizations to collaborate in the creation of artistic projects and research texts that link art and education in Latin America. The deadline to apply is June 15th, 2023.

The platform announces a call for proposals centered on collective learning and making in the public space, with an emphasis on peripheral initiatives and underrepresented narratives. This includes projects for online co-creation (LABORATORIES), projects for the teaching artists' (RESIDENCY), hosts for the production of on-site (CLASSROOMS), interview proposals for the virtual (AUDITORIUM), and research-based texts (LIBRARY). In addition, the call is open for submitting articles and reviews for its upcoming new biannual academic publication EL JOURNAL, which intends to disseminate artistic research on art and education through academic circuits.
LA ESCUELA___ welcomes submissions from individual artists, authors, or collectives—of all nationalities and places of residence—in the fields of visual arts, architecture, performing arts, and social practices. The proposals should address education from artistic, transdisciplinary, and collaborative methodologies, and contribute significantly to the platform’s research archive, formative projects, or interweaving regional bonds.
Proposals from different topics related to the practices and research experience of the applicants will be admitted, as long as they are conceived from the crossings of art and education in Latin America. They should address pressing social, political, or environmental challenges regarding the historical tradition and contemporary Latin American production, prioritizing applicants and approaches coming from historically marginalized communities. LA ESCUELA___ encourages people who identify as an underrepresented community (native peoples, black and mestizo communities, gender diversities, etc.) and/or who contribute to the study of authors, issues, and practices framed within these contexts to apply.
The deadline to apply is June 15th, 2023. Ten contributions will be selected for the Library (written in English, Spanish, or Portuguese), three projects for Laboratories, One project for the Residency, one host for a Classroom, five proposals for the Auditorium, and nine articles for El Journal. This selection will be part of the programs for the 2023—II and 2024—I semesters.
LA ESCUELA___ is an expanding platform, interested in broadening and strengthening translocal bonds through collective learning experiences at the crossings between the arts and education. Its joint founders are the artist and educator Miguel Braceli and the international nonprofit foundation Siemens Stiftung. It is based on Siemens Stiftung’s experience with co-creation programs and artistic interventions across Latin America and the artistic and educational works of Miguel Braceli in public spaces.
Domingos da Criação: Domingo de papel [Paper Sunday] (1971). Photo: Unidentified author.Courtesy: Acervo Pesquisa e Documentação MAM Rio.
Pedro Aparicio and students playing with an architectural model of the Jardín Maloka as they decide on the exact location.Photo: Juliana Steiner, from the Mapping: "Conucos, Shabonos, and WhatsApp: Technologies for Embodied Education and Radical Learning".
José Luis Macas Paredes: Hidropoéticas – Hidropolíticas. Guadalajara, Mexico (2022).Courtesy: Escuela de Artes de Jalisco.
CLASROOM: Where the Horizon Moves, with Gustavo Ciríaco. Buenos Aires, Argentina (2022). Photo: Mar Papagni. Courtesy: Fundación Andreani.
Brigada Laura Rodig, Marcha 8M, 2020. Action, Santiago de Chile. Courtesy Brigada Laura Rodig.