Within the ambitious Collection reorganization that the Reina Sofía Museum is carrying out, the nucleus Los enemigos de la poesía: Resistencias en América Latina (The enemies of poetry: Resistances in Latin America) is presented, focused on Latin art produced between 1964 and 1987 and its relationship with Spain. The political transformations of the time and the appearance of new artistic practices, such as mail art, favored a series of transcendental exchanges for the future of contemporary art.

In this new part of the Collection, more than 100 works can be seen distributed in ten rooms, most of them never exhibited before. Beyond traditional formats such as painting, sculpture and even photography, the rooms that are now open to visitors emphasize experimentation with new languages and new artistic practices of those years, which incorporate: the appropriation of new media and mass communication technologies; the use of the body as a tool for expression and social criticism; the intervention in the public sphere, the questioning of the art system and the institutions, and the redefinition of the role of the spectator, elevated to the position of participant in the works.
Pare Agora (Pare ahora) - Pietrina Checcacci - Serie: O Povo Brasileiro (El pueblo brasileño) – 1967/1968 - Acrílico sobre cáñamo - Escultura
Objetos - Augusto de Campos / Julio Plaza -1968 - Collage e impresión offset sobre cartón, troquelado - Página desplegable de cartón serigrafiado - 40 x 29,3 cm (cerrado)
Amor a primera vista - Marta Minujín - 2007 - Pintura fluorescente, laca, hilo y gomaespuma en tela de colchón
La manzana de Adán - Paz Errázuriz (Colaboradores: Claudia Donoso [Texto]) – 1990 - Impresión fotomecánica sobre papel y encuadernación en tapa blanda - 25 x 25 x 1,2 cm / 88 páginas
La Cultura de la Felicidad - Luis Pazos / Héctor Puppo /Jorge de Luján Gutiérrez - 1971 / Copia de 2012 - Impresión digital sobre papel fotográfico - 28 x 40 cm
Proyecto Lausanne - Gego (Gertrud Goldschmidt) - 1975 (ca.) - Varilla de hierro y esmalte - Escultura - 90 x 80 x 30 cm
In addition to installations, ephemeral works, postal art, videos, performance and action records, the rooms bring together a wide sample of writings, magazines, newspapers, notebooks and all kinds of documents from the collection of the Museum's Library and Documentation Center, which support the expository discourse.
As a general idea and chronologically, although with certain specific synchronicities, the tour addresses the reality of Latin America as a complex, broad, plural and diverse concept, which encompasses a large number of countries, each with its particularities, with its autochthonous features and in which the idea of place is above the map.
Entretiens Morphologiques (Entrevistas morfológicas) - Roberto Matta - 1944 / Edición de 1987 - Litografía offset sobre papel - Imagen: 31 x 41 cm / Soporte: 38 x 48,5 cm
Munda y desnuda, la libertad contra la opresión - Roberto Matta - 1986 - Óleo sobre lienzo - 240 x 410 cm
M3X3 - Analívia Cordeiro - 1973 - Vídeo , 9'54'' - Blanco y negro - Sonido
Masacre de Puerto Montt - Luis Camnitzer - 1969 - Vinilo y fotocopias - Instalación de pared y suelo con vinilos adheridos de textos relativos a la acción armada y líneas de puntos que aluden a las trayectorias de las balas. La obra es consecuencia de un hecho real. - Dimensiones variables - Pieza única en castellano - Instalación
Reflexões sobre a morte (Reflexiones sobre la muerte) - Antoni Muntadas - 1973 - Proyección de 80 diapositivas de 35mm – Fotografía - Studio Muntadas / Museu de Arte Contemporânea da Universidade de São Paulo (MAC USP)
Vertical 9 - Claudia Andujar - Marcados - 1981-1983 / Copia posterior, 2014 - Gelatinobromuro de plata virado al selenio sobre papel baritado - Imagen a sangre: 56 x 37,5 cm
The nucleus is divided into 10 sections: New experiences in Brazil - Beyond the concrete - Working with space - Argentina and May of 68 - Postal and multimedia art - the Puerto Montt Massacre - The map is no place - Structural violence in Peru - To see you better, Latin America - Chile and the Pinochet dictatorship.
A large part of the works shown have been acquired in the last 8 years thanks to the generosity of all the members of the Reina Sofía Museum Foundation, created in 2012. On this occasion, the donations made by Jorge M. Pérez and the Patricia Phelps de Cisneros Collection -which also includes some outstanding deposits- deserve special mention. Other donations were made by important collectors such as María Amalia León de Jorge, Gustavo Nóbrega, Marga Sánchez, Diana López and Herman Sifontes, Silvia Gold and Hugo Sigman, Ricardo and Susana Steinbruch and Juan Carlos Verme.