The exhibition From the Margins. Gumier Maier in the 80s, at the Museo de Bellas Artes, brings together nearly 90 paintings, drawings, illustrations, photographs, publications and documents from the early years of Jorge Gumier Maier's career (1953-2021). It is curated by Natalia Pineau.

Presented along different thematic nuclei, the exhibited works include paintings, collages and drawings that the artist made between 1978 and 1982, under the influence of avant-garde movements such as surrealism and artists like Jean Dubuffet, Libero Badii and René Magritte. Also on view is a series of works featuring male subjects, created in the late 1980s, which recaptures aspects of the metaphysical painting of Giorgio de Chirico or Lino Enea Spilimbergo: distant horizons, exacerbated and contested perspectives.
Jorge Gumier Maier. Sin título, 1978. Témpera sobre papel. 24 x 18 cm. Colección particular
Jorge Gumier Maier. Sin título, 1979. Grafito sobre papel. 36 x 25 cm. Colección particular
Jorge Gumier Maier. "Raúl, 7 de agosto de 1982". Bolígrafo sobre papel, 22 x 34 cm. Colección particular
Jorge Gumier Maier. Sin título, ca. 1987. Témpera sobre papel de afiche impreso, 100 x 76 cm. Colección Ama Amoedo
Curator Natalia Pineau explains: "Gumier Maier's artistic production began during the argentine dictatorship, within the limited spaces of expression allowed by the military government. After 1983, with the opening of democracy, his creativity expanded into multiple disciplinary practices and diverse countercultural activities".
The exhibition is complemented with photographs, posters and publications documenting Gumier Maier's outstanding participation in the Buenos Aires underground scene, as well as some of his art reviews and other writings in emblematic magazines of the time, such as "Expreso Imaginario", "Cerdos & Peces", "El Porteño" or "Sodoma", published by the GAG (Grupo de Acción Gay).
Jorge Gumier Maier. Sin título, ca. 1982. Témpera sobre papel de escenografía. 100 x 177 cm. Colección particular
Jorge Gumier Maier. Ilustración para la revista "Fin de siglo", nº 8, Buenos Aires, febrero de 1988. Acrílico, témpera y bolígrafo sobre papel, 32,5 x 41 cm. Colección particular
Facundo de Zuviría (Ciudad de Buenos Aires, 1954). "Gumier Maier en la Murga de San Telmo", 1988/2023. Fotografía analógica blanco y negro 35mm digitalizada, impresión actual, 40 x 30 cm. Copia de exhibición. Cortesía del artista