The Guatemalan Gallery presents Clara de Tezanos’ solo exhibition El Sol es la Fuente (The Sun is the Source). Curated by Andrea Dardón, the exhibition presents a series of sculptures, light murals, poetry, photography, video art, installations and collective performances that take place as gestures of appreciation and whose syntax is the experience of the sacred based on light.

The contemplation of light as a diaphanous element is for De Tezanos a way of drawing lines between our past, present and future, conceiving the sun as a source of changing and infinite light where the sacred and the mystical of life meet. The exhibition fills the gallery with light games and installations in which the sculptures reflect light to produce flashes of light as a metaphorical presence.
Clara is also one of the most influential photographers in Guatemala. In that sense, light is, without a doubt, the raw material for the reflection of her work; for this reason, she is interested in manipulating it, holding it and transforming it into colors, shadows and possibilities. Although the main source of light is the sun, for the exhibition Clara intervenes the space with artificial light sources that activate the pieces as instruments. One of the murals, for example, collects objects that are part of the artist's investigation of light; objects that pass through her studio, reflective devices, viewfinders, photographic instruments, crystals, etc., which can be seen activated in videos that unfold from the montage and are also available as NFTs.
This kind of cabinet of curiosities reflects the artist's own creative process, fascinated by archives, image collections, inventories, and a drawer of personal memories that also function as a diary.
Instalación. Lámparas que Arden Votivas. Clara de Tezanos. Cortesía de La Galería Rebelde.
Escultura. La inmensidad de sí mismo, reflectoscopio. Clara de Tezanos. Cortesía de La Galería Rebelde.
Fotografía analógica. Registro de vacuidad. Clara de Tezanos. Cortesía de La Galería Rebelde.
Instalación. Teorías de Kepler, Fludd y Newton. Clara de Tezanos. Cortesía de La Galería Rebelde.
NFT. Regocijo de asombro. Clara de Tezanos. Cortesía de La Galería Rebelde.
Finally, the Bastones de Luz (Light Canes) sculptures in the exhibition shoot light and make it reflect, redirect, bounce and have an effect on the way we can play with its direction and transmutation. This intention recalls the inspiration of the artists and architects of the Gothic period, for whom light was the way to connect with God due to its sense of transcendence and its possibility of mediation between the divine world and the earthly world.
Through these diaphanous objects that record the passage of time, the viewer can play with the phenomenon of light to stay awake and reflect on the euphoria of living; a phenomenon of light that makes us feel the present. Thus, this exhibition celebrates light, movement and time in a journey of self-discovery and transformation, including that of the artist.
Instalación. Susurros de entusiasmo. Clara de Tezanos. Cortesía de La Galería Rebelde.
Instalación. Susurros de entusiasmo. Clara de Tezanos. Cortesía de La Galería Rebelde.
Videoarte. La Fuente es el Sol. Clara de Tezanos. Cortesía de La Galería Rebelde.
NFT. Acumularse en perspectiva. Clara de Tezanos. Cortesía de La Galería Rebelde.
Clara de Tezanos (Guatemala, 1986) is a Guatemalan artist and curator with photography studies in Paris. In 2009 she co-founded the Centro de Fotografía Contemporánea, La Fototeca and the GuatePhoto International Photography Festival. As director of La Fototeca, she has curated national and international exhibitions, directed editorial projects, and has been a teacher for more than 10 years.
Her work has been exhibited in collective and individual exhibitions both locally and internationally. In 2018, De Tezanos published the book Piedra-Padre, Universo and received numerous awards from renowned international competitions such as the Aperture & Paris Photo First Book Award, along with her solo exhibition at La Erre in Guatemala City. In 2019, she published the book Por Maneubras de un Terceto, which was a finalist for PHotoESPAÑA 2020 Best Photography Book of the Year and Rencontres d'Arles 2020 Book Awards.
El Sol es la Fuente
Until May 2022
La Galería Rebelde
Guatemala City