ARTIFACTS is a project curated by researchers Barbara Krulik (US/NL) and Mildred Durán (CO/FR) that revolves around the ubiquity of information and data, and our relationship with them in the contemporary world. It was the winner of the Santa Fe Gallery Network Grant 2021 - Continuous Programming.

Making use of different formats, volumes and methodologies for collecting figures, data and metrics, the 25 national and international artists exhibited approach the problems posed by the inexhaustible circulation of information today from a perspective that questions their use by the state to control, regulate or discipline society, while examining its relation to the social and individual body.
"Information has become a ubiquitous force in our lives," observe Krulik and Durán regarding the phenomenon of massive interconnection brought about by the pandemic. And they add: "It is collected (even without our consent), requested, shared, traded, analyzed, used, and collected again - how do we understand our relationship with information in the contemporary world?"
Fernando Pertuz - desAPARECIDOS - Papel, madera, bandera, bronce - 100 x 170 x 120 cm - 2021 - Cortesía del artista
Terry Berkowitz - Statistics of Intolerance - Piedras, balde galvanizado, números de arcilla, fotografías, plexiglass, monofilamento, tiza - Dimensiones variables - 1990/2021 - Cortesía de la artista
David Medina - Vires in Numeris (Terremotos) ½ - Ceramica, madera, técnica mixta - 100 cm x 75 cm x 30 cm – 2021 - Cortesía del artista
Fernando Arias - Contador de víctimas - Aluminio y luz LED - 78 x 176 x 10 cm – 2019 - Cortesía de FORO.SPACE
Barbara Krulik is an art historian, curator, writer, and cultural manager. She has served in New York as assistant director of the National Academy of Design, as assistant director of Forum Gallery, and as director of the Graduate School of Figurative Art at the New York Academy of Art. She currently lives and works in Amsterdam, as owner and director of Krulik Cultural Consultant Services. She belongs to the committee of curators of the American Alliance of Museums and the International Biennial Association.
Mildred Durán is a contemporary art researcher, art critic and independent curator. She has a doctorate in contemporary art in Latin America from the Panthéon-Sorbonne University. She has worked at the Georges-Pompidou Center, in exhibitions such as Au-delà du spectacle, Les années Pop and Jean Dubuffet. Her articles have published in media such as Le cahiers du CNAM, Inter art actuel, Les publications de la Sorbonne, among others. She is currently a member of the editorial committee of the magazine Inter, art actuel de Québec.
Marisa Baumgartner - Texas Ranch Burn Scar 09.03.11 - Acuarela, pan de oro de 23k sobre chorro de tinta de archivo sobre papel de trapo - 30,5 x 30,5 cm – 2014 - Cortesía de High Noon Gallery, Nueva York
Ben Grosser - Computers Watching Movies - Video HD con audio estéreo - 16:9 / 15 min – 2013 - Cortesía del artista
Rosella Biscotti - 10 x 10 (Female Minority) - Lana - 105 x 394 cm – 2015 - Cortesía galería mor charpentier, París y Bogotá
Gabriel Zea - Cómo evadir el trabajo [Números de Suerte] - Objeto sonoro - 110 x 15 x 14 cm - 2016 - Cortesía del artista
Richard Garrison - CircularColorScheme: Walmart, April 28 – May 14, 2017, page 22. “Brighten Your Exterior” - Acuarela, gouache, y grafito sobre papel. - 61 x 61 cm - 2017 - Cortesía del artista y Robert Henry Contemporary
Artists: Liliana Angulo (CO), Fernando Arias (CO), Jaime Ávila (CO), Edson Barrus (BR/FR), Marisa Baumgartner (DE/US), Yann Beauvais (FR), Terry Berkowitz (US), Rossella Biscotti (IT/BE), Julian Dupont (CO), William Engelen (NL / DE), Raphaël Faon | Andrés Salgado (FR/CO), Richard Garrison (US), Ben Grosser (US), Ligorano | Reese (US), David Medina (CO), Christián Lesmes-Mendoza (CO), Lucy McKenna (IE), Emeka Ogboh (NRA/DE), Morgan O’Hara (US), Juan Pablo Pacheco (CO), Fernando Pertuz (CO), PROM collective (ES/NL/IT), Carlos Schwartz (ES), Francesc Torres (US), Gabriel Zea (CO)
From September, 24th to October, 22nd 2021.
Casa Hoffmann
Cra 2A #70 – 25, Bogotá, Colombia