Es Baluard Museu d’Art Contemporani de Palma presents the exhibition program that marks the new autumn season, starting on September 17, with Miguel Ángel Campano. Acentos y diferencia(Accents and Difference) and Teresa Margolles. La Piedra (The Stone). The expositions are curated by the Director of the Museum, Imma Prieto, and point towards pictorial research within artistic practices and reflection on contemporary urgencies such as migration, feminism and human rights.

«Miguel Ángel Campano. Acentos y diferencia» is an exhibition organized by Es Baluard Museu in collaboration with the Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía (MNCARS) that reviews those moments that have been crucial in the career of Miguel Ángel Campano (Madrid, 1948 - Cercedilla, Madrid, 2018) based on a rereading of the retrospective exhibition «D'après» that was presented at the MNCARS in 2019. In this sense, Es Baluard Museu has carried out an anthological investigation, taking into account the key moments of rupture.
The retrospective in Madrid, in which Campano participated actively, involves thinking about how some artists have been essential in his career, from Poussin, Delacroix, Guerrero or Gris, to the writing of Rimbaud. “He is not looking so much for a direct legacy, but rather he invites us to stop and think about what it has meant in his painting to have approached them. How Campano has sifted such diverse views and managed to create his own style based on”, according to the curator.
With «Acentos y diferencia», which will be o view until February 28, 2021, Es Baluard Museu accentuates crucial moments of change and difference with a set of works that allows revisiting and understanding the artist's work with works from the first period, of geometric influence, close to the Cuenca Group, as well as others in which gestural language permeates all his work.
In this way, the project brings the visitor closer to these moments in which "Campano reinvents Campano", breaking with references, styles and fashions, showing the different stages of the artist's work, marked by vital moments in which his travels are present with mythological traces and series in which only black oil is used.
Miguel Ángel Campano,SUBASH, 20.9.94,1994. Óleo sobre lienzo, 320 x 234 cm. Es BaluardMuseu d’Art Contemporani de Palma, depósito colección Ajuntament de Palma. © de la obra,Miguel Ángel Campano, VEGAP, Palma, 2020. Fotografía: Joan-Ramon Bonet
Miguel Ángel Campano, Sin título (El puente II), 1979. Óleo, grafito y pastel sobre lienzo, 200 x 322 cm. Colección Fundación Juan March, Museu Fundación Juan March, Palma
Miguel Ángel Campano, La Grappa XXXVIII [La Grappa XXXVIII], 1986. Óleo sobre lienzo, 202 x 294 cm. Colección “la Caixa”. Arte Contemporáneo
Javier Campano, Las Patrañas de Miguel Ángel Campano, 2018-2019 (patraña 74). Impresión digital, 30,2 x 40,5 cm. Ed. 3/fotografía. El instante Fundación
Miguel Ángel Campano, Vocales II (35), 1982-1983. Óleo sobre lienzo, 49,5 x 40 cm. Colección particular
Miguel Ángel Campano, Elias (d'après Daniel Buren) [Elias (según Daniel Buren)], 1996-1999. Óleo sobre lienzo, dimensiones variables. Galeria Maior
«Teresa Margolles. La piedra» recovers some of the key axes of the creator's work and, at the same time, presents unpublished works. Her work denounces the current migratory crises, opens the debate around work and, above all, points to the vulnerability in which women find themselves in any given situation.
In this exhibition, which can be visited until March 28, 2021, the artist defines a new territory that arises from a reflection on borders, work and the world of women, considering the socio-political reality and inequality existing around gender. In her work, Teresa Margolles (Culiacán, Sinaloa, 1963) gives visibility to many of the issues that cross the international political present, such as the class struggle, migration or gender.
In addition, on Saturday September 19, Margolles presents, on the occasion of the exhibition at Es Baluard Museu, a new performance where, for the first time, a performative action on the migratory processes between Venezuela and Colombia will emerge from her field work carried out in 2017 in the city of Cúcuta.
Teresa Margolles,Carretillera sobre el puente internacional Simón Bolívar,Colombia-Venezuela, 2018. Impresión digital sobre papel de algodón, 180 x 140 cm. Edición: 5 + 2 P.A.Cortesía de la artista © de la obra, Gabinete TM, 2020