Isabella Despujols (Barquisemeto, Venezuela, 1994), Venezuelan artist based in Brazil, uses her artistic references for the realization of her latest series of works, a set made this year where textiles and embroidery are especially relevant, as well as the formal fact that they reflect. In them is palpable the conversation that he intends to maintain with those styles and languages that were fundamental in the countries to which he circumscribes his personal experience.

The concrete, the kinetic, the optical come to the fore to be reinterpreted by Despujols, highlighting her theoretical and technical capacity, addressing the geometric lexicon and betting on a formal and chromatic balance in her final production with embroidery. His work deserves a relaxed look that allows to observe the detail of the execution and the whole holistic process, thus inciting the viewer to witness, through the final object, an almost meditative interaction.
Her proposal does not seem to give more importance to form or geometry than to color, elements that, key in the development of the artistic practices that inspire him, also end up being vital factors in Despujols, but totally balanced in their strength. Her embroidered paintings bring together this knowledge, but, above all, she revisits it in a personal way in his execution, where the colorful threads and the formal seem to be reformed to face the present.
Hilo tras hilo. Isabella Despujols can be seen until December 10 at Galería Llamazares, Instituto, 23, Gijón (Spain).