Conceived from a recurring theme in the artist’s production, the body as the matrix of everything that exists in the world, the exposition explores the relationships between body and space.

Taking as a starting point the title of the exhibition alluding to the pioneering anatomy atlas “De Humani Corporis Fabrica”, published in 1543 by Belgian doctor Andreas Vesalius, A Fábrica do Corpo Humano presents a set of collages and interventions made on pages of books, objects and photographs, combined with an installation consisting of a fence and a volume of shirts.
Sem Título [Untitled], 2020 . pastel oleoso sobre página de livro [oily pastel on book page] . Ed. única [unique] . 46 x 204 cm | 46 x 34 cm (cada) [each]
Cinzelação [Carving], 2020 . página de livro e recorte [cut out and book page] . Ed. única [unique] . 72 x 112 cm | 36 x 28 cm (cada) [each]
Cinzelação [Carving], 2020 . página de livro e recorte [cut out and book page] . Ed. única [unique] . 72 x 112 cm | 36 x 28 cm (cada) [each]
Sem Título [Untitled], 2020 . pastel oleoso sobre página de livro [oily pastel on book page] . Ed. única [unique] . 33,5 x 42 cm
Gradil, 2020 . tela de ferro e camisas [iron fence and shirts] . Ed. única [unique] . 330 x 500 x 100 cm
“If the body at any time guides the construction of space, architecture also shapes and restricts the body” through this thought, Nino Cais highlights this relational complexity in his production, placing the body as the original point of reference for everything that surrounds it. Whether the artist registers himself in his photographs, relating to everyday objects, or even when he relies on canonical images, Nino questions the intermediation of objects with the body and the world.
Searching for an original reference and exploring the limits of body within others, like the installation presented in the exposition where there is a struggle between the limits of the grid and the limits of the physicality of the body (represented here by the shirts), Nino questions references and symbols, creating a void from what would be central.
da série Monumento [Monument series], 2020 . página de livro raspada [scraped book page] . Ed. única [unique] . 66 x 91,5 cm | 33 x 30,5 cm (cada) [each]
da série Monumento [Monument series], 2020 . página de livro raspada [scraped book page] . Ed. única [unique] . 66 x 91,5 cm | 33 x 30,5 cm (cada) [each]
Sem Título [Untitled], 2020 . página de livro raspada [scraped book page] . Ed. única [unique] . 32 x 39,5 cm
Sem Título [Untitled], 2020 página de livro e recorte [cut out and book page] Ed. única [unique] . 46,5 x 34 cm
Cinzelação [Carving], 2020 página de livro e recorte [cut out and book page] Ed. única [unique] 108 x 112 cm | 36 x 28 cm
Using cuts, splits, ink, stains and torns, in a process of revealing gaps between subjective experiences and official narratives, the artist establishes a relationship close to the materiality of paper in the encounter with the universe arising from formal knowledge. With the premise of understanding the body as a cast that gives rise to objects and spaces, the artist explores, through the works presented, the development of this questioning. He travels between the past and the present in these recombination’s and, through careful observation, transcribes other possible relationships and recovers his textile research, a process he used at the beginning of his artistic research in university and which is strongly related to his own history and work, to present them in a more consolidated and mature context.
Nino Cais investigates and produces other pages of history from the version already told and known, inquires the limits between physical and abstract, between the body and the world where it lives.
A Fábrica do Corpo Humano, 2020. Casa Triângulo, São Paulo, Brazil. Guided tour. Video: Junae Andreazza
Nino Cais . A Fábrica do Corpo Humano [The Human Body Factory] from Casa Triângulo on Vimeo.