José Luis Torres

Córdoba, Sala Farina de la Ciudad de las Artes, Escuela Figueroa Alcorta

By Pancho Marchiaro | March 06, 2013

A bee-hive, a swarm, a concert of nests made from recycled materials make up a soft architecture installation titled Qué nos rodea ( What surrounds us?) .

José Luis Torres

Artist José Luis Torres explores this confusion relying on resources from Land Art, sculpture, and that weak space between outside and inside. The works, produced in situ with materials obtained in the most rustic outdoor areas − streets and construction yards − lose their condition of waste materials to allow wood and building elements to take on a leading role as a result of accumulation and repetition. Museification destroys the everyday quality of scrap and turns it into something exceptional and monumental, thus making exhibition spaces resignify the work exhibited as a second life of the materials which, on the whole, constitute an immersive labyrinth of reminiscences.

The artist himself defines his interventions as invasive and viral insofar as he has the complicity of an active visitor who interacts like an inhabitant with this landscape, whose result is as important as the process leading to it.

Torres is an artist who utilizes outdoor elements to intervene in the interior of the art exhibition mechanisms with a tangled array of casual objects that determine a script whose end branches out into the extended exhibition hall, where the author establishes a dialogue with works by one of his teachers and by two of his pupils, for in the same way that he intervenes in the building, his public − comprised mainly of students attending the five provincial art schools gathered together in these premises − is also the object of questioning by Torres in his disordered swarm.