Rolf Art inaugurates Statement, the second solo exhibition of artist Francisco Medail, accompanied by a presentation text by essayist and cultural critic Paola Cortés Rocca.

Francisco Medail consolidates his presence in the gallery with a new project that reflects on the artistic practice and its borders, on the limits between profession and work and the economy of art today.
At the same time, the artist recovers the question about the public and the private that already appeared in his first works, although this time the way of approaching it is intrinsically related to the current context and to the wear and tear of the forms of traditional politics.
As Cortés Rocca states: “Francisco Medail, artist/curator, reflects on creation and registration, on the status of the work and reading, on the impact produced by affiliation with one or another family of images, but there is something more. By working with images that are inscribed in the genre of exhibition views, Francisco Medail points out that displacement that, initiated with the avant-gardes of the late twentieth century, is firmly established in the present of contemporary art: the passage from the work to the experience and its registration. In the game between space and works, the public and the private cease to be antithetical spheres or places to glimpse themselves as logics -at times in dispute, at times in collaboration- that weave alliances, enable loans, transform the objects they house and diversify the experiences of production and reading”.
The question then arises: where does the work lie: in the curatorship, in the experience or in its registration?
Statement. Solo exhibition by Francisco Medail.
Until November 29, 2024.
Rolf Art. Esmeralda 1353. Buenos Aires, Argentina.